Sunday, December 18, 2011


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Victory Rangers Is The First Game Developed By Kadakia Games With The Help Of Sploder.

What Is Victory Rangers?

--> It is a simple game where you and your partner who are trapped inside a laboratory full of creepy people. Your aim is to kill all of them and get out of the laboratory.

Who are the enemies? 

--> Enemies consist of creepy Lizard man to robots to electric shockers. Not only human alike enemy exists but there is threat from Acid which lays on the floor , shockers etc.

What All You Can Use?

--> For your safety, I have added multiple health portions.

What powers can I get?

--> The game allows you to have 3 kind of powers.
  1. Invincible - Which makes you hidden for 10 seconds.
  2. Strong - Which makes you each bullet count as 2 having more effect on killing
  3. Atomic - Your health cannot be effected in this power.
Simple and sweet. Enjoy from 50+ creepy creatures trying to prevent you to stay in lab and 4 difficult levels